Estate Administration

When Inheriting Real Estate, Consider Your Options

Inheriting real estate from your parents is either a blessing or a burden — or a little bit of both. Figuring out what to do with the property can be overwhelming, so it is good to carefully think through all of your choices. There are three main options when you

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When Can a House Be Sold in a Probate Estate?

People often ask if they need to wait until after a decedent’s estate closes in order to sell the deceased loved one’s house. This is a common misconception and nothing could be further from the truth. The sale process may be completed while the estate is open. When a loved

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Estate plan: a need for people of all income levels

As many Michigan readers know, estate planning is often associated with people who are wealthy or possess valuable assets. In reality, an estate plan is a practical and beneficial step for people of all income levels. Anything that a person owns, including vehicles, homes or a retirement portfolio is considered

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Mistakes may be made in the details of an estate plan

Having an estate plan in place long before it is needed is a responsible step most people take the time to make. However, there may still be room for mistakes or mishaps even after a person has had an estate plan drafted and put into effect. By drafting a comprehensive

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Single folks in Michigan should have an estate plan in place

It is wrong to assume that only married couples with children and a significant amount of assets should worry about creating an estate plan. Any single adult who has assets in his or her name needs to ensure an estate plan is in place, and the plan needs to reflect

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Michigan families can avoid mistakes in estate plan

All estate plans are highly personal, yet many people fall prey to the same common mistakes when drafting their plans. By being aware of the most common mistakes found in estate plans, Michigan families can prevent those mistakes from causing problems after loved ones have passed. These common estate plan

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Business owners need an estate plan early in the game

An individual or family may work for years or even generations to establish a successful small business. If the owner or owners fail to have a comprehensive and smart estate plan in place early on, that small business can be at risk for failure in the event that an owner

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Baby boomer generation needs to think of estate plan needs

As the baby boomer generation enters the realm of retirement, there are other needs that may be left unchecked. An estate plan and what to do in the event of incapacitation may be one area where baby boomers in Michigan have failed to be proactive. If one has not been

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An estate plan may need to accommodate digital assets

The role technology plays in daily life is ever-expanding for the average American. When a Michigan resident or family decides to venture into the task of creating an estate plan, digital assets may need to be addressed as part of that plan. Regardless of how vast a person’s digital life

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Ideas for broaching the subject of an estate plan

When a family member decides the time is right to being to the process of estate planning, including the appointing of trustees and heirs, the act of broaching the subject can be a little tricky. Each family is vastly different, and, therefore, the best way to go about ensuring that

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Estate administration is an important undertaking

When an estate plan is mapped out and put into motion, the duties of those involved should be clearly outlined and defined, preferably before attending to those duties is necessary. Knowing what role a person is accepting is as important as acting as an estate administrator, and it should not

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Simple mistakes can lead to chaos for an estate plan

Many people might not give too much of their time and energy to thinking about the estate planning process. However, having a comprehensive estate plan long before it is needed is the best way to ensure that a Michigan family is properly cared for. However, if an estate plan isn’t

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Estate plan of The Velvet Underground’s Lou Reed made public

Whenever a celebrity dies, the news is typically flooded with every last detail of their demise. Then, details about the value of their estate may be made public also. One way to avoid having these details made public is for celebrities or others who have a high value estate to

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Importance of choosing the right executor

Many people may think that if they have completed a comprehensive estate plan that once they die things will be taken care of for them. While estate planning is very important, an estate administration process will still be necessary following a Michigan resident’s death. During the estate administration process, estate

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What are the responsibilities of a Michigan executor?

No matter how big an estate a person leaves behind when they pass, some issues will need to be attended to. There could be bills to pay and assets to sell or give away. Rarely, do people have zero estate administration issues following their death. In order to deal with

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Relatives say hospital coerced millionaire woman out of her money

Heirs of a millionaire are suing the hospital that took care of her for the last 20 years of her life, alleging that the facility overstepped its bounds to get money before her death and to be included in her will. Relatives say the case, which has garnered international attention,

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Interweaving estate planning and business succession in Michigan

If you own a successful business in Michigan, no matter what your age is, it’s time to start thinking about passing the business on to your successors. Many admirable entrepreneurs are so immersed in business operations that they become in large part defined by decisions related to the company, so

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Mickey Rooney has new conservator following abuse allegations

In our last post we discussed the importance of making plans for the end of your life — both death itself and the years leading up to it. As we grow elderly, we become much more vulnerable. Our bodies don’t work as well and we may have a difficult time keeping

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Rare half-cent coin hidden for 50 years sells for $357,000

High-value assets can be good investments. However, passing along such assets to family members or beneficiaries is not always simple. When a person dies, an inventory must be made of both debts and assets. Any debts must be paid before the intended recipients can inherit from an estate. Proper estate

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Michigan court denies benefits in frozen sperm case

The determination of heirs is not always a cut-and-dried process. When disputes arise, probate courts oversee estate administration and are often called in to determine how wills, estates and benefits will be divided amongst heirs. Those who are attempting to unravel the will of a deceased loved one should seek

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Judge upholds the will of Sherman Hemsley

When the death of a loved one occurs and there are no clear instructions left for estate administration or burial, loved ones can be left unsure of what the deceased’s wishes were. Sometimes, even when a will is in place before the death, the family of the deceased can contest

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Michigan engineer turns philanthropist with charitable giving

When a person owns substantial assets, a will or trust can play an important part in the distribution of these assets. However, some people would prefer a more complex estate plan than simply passing on their assets to their children or partner. If someone gives assets to a charity, either

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Legal issues regarding access to digital assets growing

As we discussed a few weeks back, online or digital assets can be problematic for some Michigan residents as people increase their online presence, the amount of information they access and store online grows. The growing use of email and paperless bill paying has created a situation where vital records

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Life events that can trigger a review of your estate plan, part 2

As discussed in last week’s post, there are a number of life events that should trigger a review of your estate planning goals and documentation, including a marriage, divorce or death in the family. Often certain aspects of an estate plan are missed in a divorce, such as changing the

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Do you have to pay an inheritance tax on a joint tenancy?

Since many couples delay marriage, or simply do not marry at all, Massachusetts residents may wonder what happens when you own a home with another in a joint tenancy and one person listed on the title dies. One reader wanted to know if there was an inheritance tax in just

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