Michigan Trust Code

The law firm of Collens Estate Law, represents clients in the Detroit area in probate and trust law matters. If you are seeking information about the Michigan Trust Code, or if you have general questions about the trust administration process, please call a Michigan Trust Code attorney from our firm at (248) 545-2500.

The Michigan Trust Code

The Estates and Protected Individuals Code (EPIC) became effective in Michigan in 2000, and was intended to modernize existing probate and trust laws. EPIC was updated in 2010 with the introduction of the Michigan Trust Code (MTC). The MTC is the first comprehensive law dealing specifically with trusts in Michigan history. Highlights of the MTC include:

  • Allows for having a trust protector to assist in overseeing the trust
  • Extends the availability of In Terrorem or No Contest Clauses to trusts
  • Consolidates the standard of capacity required to make a trust and a will
  • Confirms the time frame within which an individual must pursue a challenge to the validity of a trust

To learn more about the Michigan Trust Code and how these changes may affect you, talk to an estate planning lawyer from our firm.

Our firm’s attorneys assist clients in a variety of related matters:

  • Estate and trust planning
  • Probate
  • Guardianships
  • Conservatorships
  • Nursing home planning
  • Long-term care planning

Contact a Wayne County Probate Attorney

For more information about the Michigan Trust Code, please attorney from our firm. From our offices in Huntington Woods, our lawyers represent clients throughout the Detroit metro area and southeastern Michigan.

Contact a Lawyer

Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys to discuss your legal needs and get personalized advice. Call (248) 545-2500.