Estate Planning

Important to understand Michigan estate plan terms, paperwork

While everyone may know they need an estate plan and the importance of taking care of affairs in the event of one’s passing, it may be overwhelming and confusing to understand the terms involved. Knowing the definition of basic terms associated with a comprehensive estate plan is the first step

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An effective estate plan requires certain key documents

The thought of sitting down to put together a will may naturally be unappealing, as people prefer to focus on enjoying life rather than contemplating what would happen to their belongings if they died. Failure to develop an estate plan, however, may mean that a person’s family members in Michigan

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Michigan residents can learn from estate plan mistakes

No plan is fool-proof, including an estate plan. While a vital process for any adult in Michigan, there are mistakes in the estate planning process that can truly disrupt or paralyze a person’s efforts to have his or her wishes honored after death. Several recent celebrity deaths and estate planning

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An estate plan is a necessity for Michigan single parents

Being a parent inherently means there are countless decisions and considerations that must be made with the best interest of the children in mind. When a parent is raising children alone, the need for a comprehensive estate plan is imperative, as the fate of children may hang in the balance

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An estate plan may evolve and need revisiting over time

For many people, simply getting around to creating an estate plan is a major life feat in itself. It is a necessary part of life once one acquires any kind of assets or has a family. However, as much as people may feel like they’ve been responsible in creating an estate

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A Michigan family estate plan should include online assets

People tend to think about physical assets when they prepare to create an estate plan or discuss one with family members. However, as technology permeates the lives of the young and old, an estate plan needs to include digital assets and instructions for online accounts just as much as it

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An estate plan for Michigan families is about more than dollars

People may naturally think that creating estate plans is about how to distribute funds to family members. While the distribution of family fortunes is most certainly part of an estate plan, Michigan families may want to think about how they can incorporate their faith and values into that plan. There

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Reproductive science may play role in estate plan

An estate plan is a highly personal journey for most families. Most people don’t think of the role science may play when they are creating an estate plan. Reproductive science and changing families are playing a role in how the average Michigan family may choose to pursue the creation of an

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Digital assets can be part of an estate plan for Michigan folks

There are many factors and assets that need to be considered as part of any comprehensive estate plan. Today, technology plays more of a role in daily life than many may ever consider. Because of the importance and reliance on technology, it is becoming more important to incorporate digital assets

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An estate plan is a smart New Year’s resolution

When people sit down at the end of the year to evaluate their lives or decide on resolutions, creating estate plans may not automatically come to mind. Even so, the New Year is the perfect time to take stock of assets, funds and life choices and to create an estate

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An estate plan should reflect a family’s unique situation

The day of the traditional family being the majority may be coming to a close. Today, American families come in all sorts of varieties and combinations, and an estate plan should reflect the individuality and uniqueness of a family in today’s modern world. Michigan families may want to consider the

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A trust can provide asset protection for Michigan families

When it comes to time decide estate planning details and strategies, there are a wide range of options for the modern family to implement. Michigan families should realize that not all estate plan options work for every family and an individualized approach may be helpful. One tool many find to

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Digital assets need to be included in an estate plan

As the world changes and technology evolves, that technology needs to be dealt with in ways that some innovators may have never imagined. One area of concern when it comes to technology is how digital assets are handled when a person passes. Because of how much the Internet has permeated

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Beware of loss of control in an estate plan

Creating an estate plan can be an overwhelming and emotional journey. For some, outlining the division of assets or funds can pose unique complications. Anyone in Michigan who is involved in creating an estate plan may want to carefully consider his or her options before relinquishing control of any aspect

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Avoid making estate plan mistakes through proper planning

When it comes to life lessons, there are a few lessons to be learned from the lives of certain celebrities. There are also lessons about what not to do based on mistakes exhibited in the estate plans of the rich and famous. While each and every estate plan is unique,

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Proactive tips for an estate plan in Michigan

Creating an estate plan typically involves drafting, signing and filing a few key documents. While this is an important part of the process, there are other recommended steps for creating an estate plan. Michigan families may be interested in the following tips and ideas, if they are in the midst

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An estate plan for single parents should be done early

There are many challenges that come with being a single parent. A single parent may find him or herself in a situation where he or she is solely shouldering the burden of ensuring a stable financial future for his or her children. Michigan single parents may want to stop and think

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Tips to not let an estate plan go horribly wrong

When the time comes for a family, couple or an individual to set up an estate plan, that party or parties may have very clear ideas about what they want to happen or what they foresee the situation to be. Nevertheless, most Michigan families realize life circumstances and family changes

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Without knowledge of an estate, an estate plan can be complicated

People may know they need an estate plan, but that can mean different things to different people. Anyone in Michigan who attempts to create an estate plan will need to understand what their estate actually entails. It is then important to understand what one’s wishes are and how to make

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Potential pitfalls of not making an estate plan

No one likes to think about needing an estate plan. An estate plan essentially forces a person or family to think about their mortality or the mortality of a loved one. However, not planning accordingly or not being prepared can be costly to loved ones and can also leave more

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Creating an estate plan isn’t just for the elderly

When people think about estate planning, they may automatically assume it is a concern for those who are of a certain age and lot in life. However, there is never an age that is too young to think about an estate plan and ensure that the process is handled correctly.

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Michigan residents may want to consider a trust fund

Michigan residents who are looking to begin the estate-planning process may be a bit overwhelmed by the different documents that they may be able to set up. Many individuals are aware of how a will works and may believe that this document is the most important one. While individuals should

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College Savings accounts a good estate plan option

Parents and grandparents are always looking to make preparations for providing for the next generation. One of the most pertinent concerns families in Michigan have is saving for college for their children and grandchildren. A parent or grandparent may want to consider incorporating a 529 college savings account in his

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An estate plan can entail a number of documents in Michigan

When it comes time to think about how to handle the estate-planning process, there may be more than meets the eye. Each person’s estate plan can be vastly different than another person’s. Anyone in Michigan who is in the beginning stages of the estate plan process may want to be

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A power of attorney should be part of any Michigan estate plan

The decision to begin the estate planning process may seem overwhelming and confusing. However, regardless of age or life circumstances, anyone involved in an estate plan should consider the benefits of having a power of attorney as part of the process. In Michigan, there are many reasons a person should

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Things people get wrong when preparing an estate plan

The process of creating an estate plan may seem like a cut and dried kind of endeavor. However, there are aspects of an estate plan that people commonly get wrong or disregard altogether. It is important for Michigan residents to understand the mistakes of others to ensure they are on

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A special needs trust may be ideal for some situations

Families can be complicated, and the individual needs of family members or other beneficiaries may be just as complicated. This means that each family may have specific and very different needs as they move forward with the estate planning process. For some Michigan families, the creation of a trust, specifically

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Estate plan needs vary for childless couples in Michigan

Oftentimes, when people think about beneficiaries of assets and funds, they may automatically think about parents leaving an estate to be split between children. However, for Michigan couples and individuals without children, the process of crafting an estate plan may be slightly different. It may require some more thought regarding

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Finding out more about a trust is important

There are many options for estate planning and no one plan will work for everyone. However, regardless of the size of the estate, a trust may be a good idea to consider. For anyone in Michigan who is venturing into estate planning, learning about the different types of trusts can

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Estate plan mistakes of James Gandolfini may be lesson for others

Oftent, people think those who have a great deal of assets must have all of their estate planning ducks in a row. However, the death of Soprano’s star James Gandolfini showed that not everyone has taken the necessary steps to ensure that a comprehensive estate plan is in place. Because

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