
When exactly is a good time to update an estate plan?

Estate plans are highly personal endeavors. Because each Michigan family is different, there may not be an exact day or month that is appropriate for the updating of an estate plan. However, many leading experts agree there are specific life or family events that require updates be made to estate

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Michigan families should include digital assets in a will

When people consider estate planning and ensuring the proper distribution of personal property, most may only think about physical property. However, digital assets are also part of many Michigan estates in current times. These issues can typically be addressed by specific provisions within a last will and testament. Digital assets can

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Millennials must include end-of-life care in estate plan

There are a number of documents to consider as part of an estate plan and some of those documents relate to end-of-life care and health care decisions. While millennials may be just starting their own families or venturing out into the world, an estate plan is something all need to

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A will challenge can occur for a number of reasons

A valid will is an essential part of any estate plan since it outlines how an individual’s assets are to be distributed upon death. Even if it is executed in accordance with all applicable Michigan laws, that does not mean that it will not be challenged when the time comes.

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Circumstances that may warrant changing an estate plan

Many people believe that all they need to do is create a will and their estate planning obligations are met until that estate plan is needed. The truth of the matter is that an estate plan should be crafted by any adult with children or any assets, but also that

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Trust administration choices vary based on circumstances

No two families are alike, so the ways families choose to distribute wealth and assets will vary considerably depending on the unique circumstances of each family. Before Michigan families begin making decisions about estate planning and trust administration, it is important for them to understand their options. Understanding the different types

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Tips to minimize taxes when leaving an inheritance to kids

Most parents are eager to leave assets, including the family home and money, to children when they pass. However, if any form of an inheritance is given without forethought and proper planning, those well-meaning Michigan parents may also be leaving their children with a substantial and unwanted tax bill. It

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An estate plan is comprised of various documents

When most people think about an estate plan, they may naturally think of a will and not much else. Depending on the size of the Michigan estate and the number of beneficiaries, an estate plan can be comprised of a multitude of documents. It is important to understand which documents

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Now is the time for Michigan families to discuss an estate plan

The holiday season typically brings family members to the table who may be absent throughout the year. Considering that all family members may be in the same place at the same time, many experts believe the holiday season is the perfect time of year to disclose or make an estate

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Probate litigation and other services can help families

When the death of a loved one has occurred, a complex legal process may be just beginning. During this emotional transition, families should know the benefits of legal support so as to be prepared for any probate litigation situation or any other legal services that may be needed. Michigan families can

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Couples need to share information about an estate plan

At the beginning of marriage, most couples do not want to think about the possibilities of anything other than continued wedded bliss. However, all couples must face the reality that the unexpected is possible. Part of this reality is to discuss and share feelings and facts about creating an estate

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Reasons a Michigan family may pose a will challenge

Even when there is a legal will in place and a family member has taken adequate estate planning steps, the family left behind may not fully agree with that will or have specific reasons to dispute the estate plan. When a Michigan family believes there is reason to dispute the

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An effective estate plan is necessary if you are married or not

Creating an estate plan is not just for married couples who want to ensure their spouse and/or children are cared for after their passing. Single people of all ages also need to consider having a comprehensive estate plan in place and periodically updated. Michigan singles are as concerned with their assets

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Lamar Odom health scare highlights estate plan mishaps

Regardless of one’s age or health, unexpected circumstances can leave a young person incapacitated and unable to make important health or financial decisions for him or herself. This is why it is essential that people of all ages have estate plans in place, and that they update those plans as life

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Creating a trust may be the best step for your Michigan family

There are many ways to manage and leave behind assets for loved ones. While doing so by a last will and testament is an option for many, it may not necessarily be the best option for the unique circumstances of your family. The creation of a trust can be a useful

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When kids are grown, an estate plan may require changes

When creating estate plans, families often make provisions for minor children, including the financial care and guardianship of those minors. However, minors grow up and often head to college. When a Michigan family sends a now-grown child to college, it may be the perfect time to sit down and rethink an

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It takes more than a will to complete an estate plan

Just as everyone’s estate is unique and valuable to them and their family, the process of creating an estate plan also needs to be unique and address the individual needs of those who are affected by that estate. However, many people think the process simply entails creating a will to

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Inheritance dispute still ongoing for Robin Williams’ family

A year after his death, the family left behind by comedian Robin Williams is still having a dispute over items and funds the comic left behind. The inheritance dispute has been ongoing, and both sides will be meeting soon in order to come to some kind of resolution. The dispute

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The creation of an estate plan is not just for the elderly

It is estimated that a large majority of young people have not thought about estate planning. The creation of an estate plan is often thought of as an elderly issue or an undertaking to be tackled once a certain level of wealth or assets has been accrued. However, young adults

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Reasons Michigan families may face a will challenge

Despite the best intentions of a family member, there are many circumstances that can lead to family strife or legal disputes after a loved one has died. While every Michigan family may be vastly different, there are common reasons or mistakes that may lead a family to deal with a

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Mistakes may be made in the details of an estate plan

Having an estate plan in place long before it is needed is a responsible step most people take the time to make. However, there may still be room for mistakes or mishaps even after a person has had an estate plan drafted and put into effect. By drafting a comprehensive

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Understanding trust management and trust options

Creating a trust and managing a trust can be an ideal way to handle assets and funds for loved ones. However, trust management responsibilities should be taken very seriously and require an understanding of the different types of trusts that may suit different needs. Michigan families may want to explore

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Protect your family’s inheritance in Michigan with a will

Most people may know it is important to have a will to express one’s last wishes in the event of a passing. But, knowing you need a will and knowing just how important a will is to the protection of a family inheritance can be two different things. Anyone in

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Father leaves unique inheritance stipulations for kids

Someone may work tirelessly for years or decades to create a fortune or amass a certain amount of assets. Deciding how distribute those assets or fortune to loved ones as an inheritance can be a highly personal and creative endeavor. One father recently made news in Michigan because of the

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Single folks in Michigan should have an estate plan in place

It is wrong to assume that only married couples with children and a significant amount of assets should worry about creating an estate plan. Any single adult who has assets in his or her name needs to ensure an estate plan is in place, and the plan needs to reflect

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Michigan families can avoid mistakes in estate plan

All estate plans are highly personal, yet many people fall prey to the same common mistakes when drafting their plans. By being aware of the most common mistakes found in estate plans, Michigan families can prevent those mistakes from causing problems after loved ones have passed. These common estate plan

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Issues regarding an inheritance need to be customized

There is no such thing as a standard estate plan or plan for dealing with an inheritance. Each family’s needs are unique, and anything pertaining to an inheritance should reflect that individuality. Just as an inheritance in Michigan may need to be customized, it’s also important to periodically review an

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Unique challenges for women and their estate plan

Not all estate plans are alike, just as no two women are alike. The process of creating an estate plan is highly personal for anyone, and women may have unique challenges as they move forward with that process. Michigan women who have not created an estate plan or who have

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Business owners need an estate plan early in the game

An individual or family may work for years or even generations to establish a successful small business. If the owner or owners fail to have a comprehensive and smart estate plan in place early on, that small business can be at risk for failure in the event that an owner

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Avoid probate litigation with legal assistance at time of need

Once a loved one passes, the ensuing process of probate can either be smooth or it can be contentious and lead to family strife. With the proper guidance and legal assistance, the probate process does not have to become a probate litigation situation for grieving Michigan families. Legal assistance can

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