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Sorry, Nobody Wants Your Parents’ Stuff

Advice for boomers desperate to unload family heirlooms By Richard Eisenberg After my father died…

Protecting Grandma – Institute of Gerontology tools to fight financial exploitation

By: Leslie MertzWill knew something was wrong as soon as he heard his mother’s shaky…

Do You Have A Social Media Will?

Published in the Ferndale Patch By Mera McKenna (Patch Staff) – January 24, 2017 4:00…

What if estate planning benefited you now and later?

Many people delay writing a will. Perhaps it’s due to fear of the unknown, or…

What will happen to your digital afterlife?

In past generations, family members, fiduciaries and other individuals often had to scour through safe-deposit…

Should your estate make room for frozen embryos?

When most people hear the phrase “estate plan,” they usually associate the task of allocating…